Monday, July 7, 2014

YouTube and Reviews

Hola guys :)

Okay first of all I kind of want to do some ad reviews. Have you seen the new manga mascara commercial. It makes me feel uncomfortable...... I don't know. I might do that soon.

So as some of you may know, especially from my last post is that I am the proud owner of a YouTube Channel that I have wanted to have for so so long. When I had my old posts up I use to reference it like crazy. But this year I have decided to start from scratch. I don't have any professional camera yet, I film with my handy dandy iphone but coming September I will have a lovely camera to work with... from my dorm room.

Anyway , in case you haven't guessed because you don't know me in real life. I want this channel to be a mix of things, educational, lgbt communities, religion,  following my journey to become a fit and awesome rugby player. I want to have DIY's for skincare and fashion or decor. I'll do those stupid but hilarious challenges that always circle the internet. I accept challenges that y'all suggest by the way. I want to create a safe place were people can come and discuss their emotions and be all gushy mushy or straight up. I want a lot of things. If anyone else was allowed to run around in my brain I'm pretty sure that they would explode forever and ever because let me tell you I have so many ideas. Sometimes I can't even catch up with myself.

And I know my quality isn't the best, but stay with me, it will get better over time. But leave a comment, let me know if there is anything you want me to do. I am open to anything and I really just want to connect with you!

Thanks, mucho amor!

Youtube Channel: Building The Confidence
What The Internet Taught Me:Here
Random Facts About Me:  AQUI! Hopefully I got it right!

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