Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Monday Check in!- Week 1/June 07, 2014

As many of you know, I am trying to lose weight and become a generally fitter person. Although this blog isn't completely focused on that, it will bleed in every once in awhile. Specifically every Monday and Sunday where I will check my stats and update my Tumblr daily with it. I will also be making goals for myself and reflecting on how I did that week. That is why I am starting this new segment on my blog which will be know as MONDAY CHECK INS and SUNDAY SUMMARY. Hopefully I can come up with a catchy name for it later. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below.

Knowing that I have lost 5 lbs in the last week I want to challenge myself to not eat certain foods. I

  1. Every week I will add a new food to this list and will not eat it for 21 days because I've been told that is how you break or start a new habit.
  2.  After the 21 day period  I will have it occasionally if I want to. The idea is to detox my body of all that nasty processed food. 
  3. Each week that passes a new food item will be added to the list. This is to keep a cycle going. 
  4.  If I mess up and cave and eat it the cycle will restart until I do not have it for 21 days. 
  5. For every 5 items that I vanish the first time around. I will get to select something from my wishlist. That way I don't have to wait to lose a certain amount of weight to get it and I get extra motivation. 

I know I am addicted to soda. But my mom only buys Coca-Cola so that is what I end up drinking. I also love love chips and tend to buy those frequently when I'm out because it is the cheapest thing and I can buy it with my spare change, no problem. So this week, I will say no to my baby coke and to my lovely yummy chips that were probably gonna clog my arteries one day.

As for working out, my goal is to run for 30 mins straight 3 times a week. And I want one of those days to be outside at my near by reservoir. I get really self conscious and anxious when I run outside because of some really bad experiences that I've had so this is a challenge for me. But because I like the idea of  a game I will make this a four week challenge. If I don't do it, I will just have two challenges to juggle along with everything else that I want to do.

So let me know if you guys want to join me. I am sure it will be lots of fun. Lets get fit and healthy together!

<3 Cielo aka Building The Confidence


  1. Hmmm, perhaps I shall take on this challenge as well, needa find something that I crave and love dearly. As for exercise, I up my running after every 4th and 7th day so one day I'll be able to run a 5k like in my prime of sophomore year high school (oh the memories). So far I'm up to 15 minutes. Good luck cici!!!

    P.S. yoooo, you're reblogging so much on tumblr son, I can't keep up lol

    1. I remember you inviting me to go to one of your races. Sorry I missed that haha. But we should try one together next year. Hopefully rugby will push me to get there. God knows I need to push my rookies this year haha. And thanks mister :)

      P.S. That is what tumblr is for. Its addicting. Make one
