Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Alterations, Body Acceptance...cause there is always more to talk about.

Today I'm concerned... and when I am concerned I don't sleep. If I truly wanted to be productive I would sit my butt down and write all the essays that are due before Sunday. But I can't because I have something on my chest that will literally try and kill me if I don't get it out in some shape or form.

I have many best friends. I feel like my levels of friendships with each them are extremely different and that is okay. They are the family that I have chosen for myself and I love them to death. One of my best friends is someone who I consider my soulmate bff. If I were a man, we both agree that we would have married a long time ago. She has supported me more than anyone else has in my life, and knows things that no one else will ever know. I think she is a beautiful and awesome person, yet today she called me and told me she was planning on getting a nose job. A NOSE JOB AT 18! AND HER MOTHER AGREED! Her mother even said that she is glad that my bff mentioned it because she thought she should have done it a while back.

I'm all for body acceptance and doing what you need to do to feel beautiful as long as it isn't harmful to you or others around you. Sometimes I think of having one myself, before I realize that it probably won't change the way I feel about myself. My sister even wants to get a boob job in the future. But this just blows my mind. Her decision came out of nowhere. When I look at her I see a beautiful young lady who is obviously going to be very successful in the future. I don't see the imperfections that she sees in herself. I don't see how her nose could be a limitation in her professional, personal, and romantic life. I can't say I support her 100% in this decision, because things in surgery don't always come out the way it should or promises to be. I guess I'm afraid that she will be even unhappier with the end results and there are only so many alterations to do on ones face.  It is just difficult. I know that having her nose done will not alter the girl I have come to know and love, it just sucks that society has affected her in a way were she feels that this is necessary.  

Overall, there isn't much I can do except support her in the best way possible while she goes through this procedure. And pray that she is happy and even more confident with the result. But I hope that whoever is reading this will never go through such self hatred of their face and body to put themselves through an elective surgery of this type. I am sure that you are all beautiful, valuable and unique in your own ways. 

How do you guys feel about plastic surgery? Would you get anything done and why? Also, what are your ways to love and accept your bodies? Let me know in the comments. This is a safe space :D 

<3 Cielo

P.S. Dear Future Cielo, since this is being written at 3am...reread before you post haha.

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