Friday, February 20, 2015

5 Fandom Friday: Things I've Bought But Have't Read/Watched/Played Yet

I should have used these things a while ago.
5 Fandom Friday is a meme (I guess) or a tagged post that you every Friday answering certain prompts that have already been agreed upon. I love this idea because it lets me show a bit of my geeky/fandom side that I usually reserve for the pits of tumblr. But it is nothing to be ashamed of and I will display it with pride. I run a studyblr for pete's sake! Any who, the prompt for this week was things that I've bought but haven't really touched yet. This was a bit difficult as I normally buy things and put them immediately to use. But I searched around my apartment and surprisingly I found some things!

  • The FitBit
  • Used DS ( I know, I know)
  • Teen Magazines 
  • My Drunk Kitchen by Hannah Hart ( I can feel your surprise from here)
  • The Da Vinci Files 
Out of everything of this list, I am most upset about not using the FitBit and the DS as much as I should. I've had the FitBit since Thursday and I've only used it around 50ish times. There is also an app that comes along with the fitbit to track the calories you have burnt, taken in, and charts to track your fitness process. This is a good reminder to use this constantly.
Patrick represents the level of fitness I need to be on.

The DS is still relatively new. I bought it used from Game Stop for less than fifty bucks. I don't have any games, so leave me any recommendations! 

I love magazine and fashion, I feel a bit too old to be reading TeenVogue, so I might just switch over to Vogue soon. Due to going away to college I missed a few issues, so I need to get to reading them soon. I also need to catch up to Women's Health magazine.
Elise is my youth laughing as she runs away from me. Natasha is me as my grumpy old self lol.

And yes, we all know that I love Hannah Hart. If I could go and get married to her I would. But I refuse to be ashamed for not reading her book. I just don't want to be disappointed. I have such high expectations. She also signed this book so no one is going to be able to actually borrow it (I have another copy for that), but is so pretty and I should get to reading it soon. Are you guys interested in a review?
Hannah will slay me no matter what.

And finally, to show some more of my nerdy side. The Da Vinci Files is a multi-disk documentary series that I got when I was really into Art History. I just need some time on Saturday and a nice movie buddy to accompany me on my Da Vinci journey. 
So hopefully I did this prompt justice, if not please don't send any angry mobs to my apartment. Not only will I not let them in, but it is cold out (in the negatives) and I don't want anyone to get frost bite! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend and feel free to tell me things you haven't used recently :).


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