Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hola My Amigos: A Step Into My World

Blogging, blogging, blogging… expressing myself. That should be simple enough right,? Then why has it been so difficult to begin what I know I desire and love to do? It could be laziness, or the fear of being judged. I don't really know at this point.
     Tumblr is simple enough; you can reblog interesting things. It is the easiest way to broadcast all of your emotions at once without seeming crazy or bipolar. One minute you could write about how upset you are and the next you could be reblogging silly cat pictures and no one bats an eye. 
     Now I know that nobody cares about a city girl stuck in bumfuck, PA but I figured in the whirlwind of emotion that is college that maybe I could offer my insight to help a future college student, or anyone for that matter. After all, college is about discovering yourself. That’s what they tell us, anyway.
How do I handle being treated differently because of my culture? Do I have to agree 100% with my religion? What is sexuality? Self-respect? Self-love? Am I doing this because I love it, or because I love the idea of it?
These are some of the questions that ran around in my mind when I first walked onto my college campus. These questions don’t necessarily stop once you have a concrete plan which, by the way, I don’t. But they come around often enough to cause a monumental headache.

     My first semester was a mess--I am a creature of habit. My second semester has been spent cleaning up my messes and mistakes. But that’s okay. I am learning and it just means that I will come back stronger and with more determination than ever.
     As quickly as college has been going, I can’t help but want to click fast forward and see if it is all worth it, see if I really can be successful. I just want confirmation for keeping my motivation. And what better way to show my future self-growth, knowledge and opinions than to document it all down?
      If you have been following me through my other blogs, then you’ll notice I am constantly moving around and changing but with the same goal in mind. I've realized that baby steps are the way to go. Rome wasn’t built in a day and I am no different. But it doesn’t mean that I’ll ever stop trying.
     So welcome, welcome to my new home. I don’t really know where my path is leading me, but I guess this is my first step. As you now know, I’m building the confidence. I hope you enjoy your stay.


A big thank you to Lucy. Thank you for making me sound sane. <3 you! 

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